Sunday, January 6, 2013

2 DOFUS Mag Offers

The digital DOFUS Mag #4 is now available, and since Kwismas is a very special season, we've made up 2 offers for you:(1)

Offer #1
You buy just the digital DOFUS Mag #4 and receive the hat and the amulett of the Diploset as gift. This package costs 2000 Ogrines.(2)

Offer #2
You buy our very special Kwismas Package and receive
- the digital DOFUS Mag #4
- the hat and the amulett of the Diploset
- a Blodz Uker paper toy
- one month of subscription to DOFUS (with subscription gift Snicker mite)
- the "Write" emote
The price of this Kwismas package is 4800 Ogrines. sell diablo III gold

Every issue of the DOFUS Mag brings you tips, exclusive artwork, humor, and adventure from the World of Twelve. Here's just a few of the articles you'll find in issue #4: a guide to the DP dungeon, a tour of the work Camp and the worker dungeon, a guide to team tactics by Winter heart from Zatoishwan, a special Foggernaut comic, the first part of a two-part story about the trials and tribulations of obtaining the precious Potsan Pants by Jexen from Shika, and DOFUS fanart from players of the Pangea community.

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