Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The 5.1 gray pets fighting Stones improve quality


Blizzard previously released information: Stone will join the battle in 5.1, which is used to enhance the quality of the fighting pet. The release of this information led to a lot of players Dunshou blue rare pets only caught the gray, white quality pet, quiet 5.1 advent fighting Stone to a pet quality. This not only saves time the players Dunshou pet, so that more people can have a rare pet.

Blizzard today issued notice:
The white stone of quality pet upgrade battle for green quality pet, justice points to 1000 points in the business to purchase.
Battle Stone green quality pet upgrade for the blue quality pet to need daily incentives from the pet Battle out, of course, can also kill wild small pet, but the probability is very low.

Fighting Stone pet level will automatically reduce, reduce Rules :1-15 pet reduce the level of 16 to 20 pet reduce 2 1,21-25 Pet reduce.
This announcement means that only white quality combat pet to the battle of the stone step-by-step upgrade to blue quality pet, then the majority of players have captured gray fighting quality pet needs to be discarded after the re-start with a minimum level of white quality pets.

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