Thursday, February 21, 2013

Du plomb dans l’aileron

Rares sont les demoiselles capables d’apprécier à sa juste valeur un sourire carnassier. Avant même que mon pote Bashi n’ouvre la gueule, la plupart d’entre elles lan?aient déjà des fusées de détresse ! Cette fois, la mayonnaise avait pris entre sa crevette et lui… Mais notre amitié n'y a pas survécue ! La guerre est déclarée ? ?a se vérifie en replay !  acheter des kamas sur dofus


 Toujours partager les trésors, toujours se dire la vérité, toujours être unis ! ?, c’était notre credo.
Mais nous ne savions pas à l’époque que deux règles parmi ces trois-là pouvaient s’opposer… Car c’est bien la vérité qui nous a désunis mon Bashi et moi !

Voilà comment notre code a changé : ? Toujours voler les trésors de l’autre, toujours se basher, toujours se détester ! ? Pour tout savoir et vous remettre dans le bain, l’épisode Bash Squale est en ligne et en replay.

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Friday, February 1, 2013

DOFUS en 2013 : L’avènement des Justiciers du Krosmoz


Après une fin du monde déprogrammée, nous voilà enfin en 2013, l’année qui doit être le point d’orgue de nombreux projets de longue date pour DOFUS. Pour commencer l’année de la meilleure des fa?ons, nous avons aujourd’hui l’envie de partager avec vous notre programme 2013 en toute transparence, d’autant que nous connaissons bien votre besoin de savoir ce que vous réserve l’avenir ! Quel nouveau contenu, quelle nouvelle fonctionnalité, à quel moment ? Finis les cachoteries, on vous dit tout, tout de suite !


Bien s?r, nous ne rentrons pas dans les détails, vous ne conna?trez en avance que les grands thèmes des nouveautés qu’on vous prépare, le reste sera à découvrir le moment venu sur le devblog, dans les vidéos, dans les news ou directement en jeu. acheter des kamas

Et puis…  Etant donné qu’on se parle en toute honnêteté, on ne va pas se mentir. Vous savez aussi bien que nous que nous avons la vilaine habitude de prendre parfois du retard. Il est possible qu’une mise à jour annoncée pour tel mois ne puisse pas être prête à temps. Dans ce cas, nous décalerons sa sortie, nous vous en avertirons et nous vous communiquerons la nouvelle date.

Enfin, dans la liste des nouveautés, vous constaterez vite que certaines modifications n’apparaissent pas. Les équilibrages de classes, la refonte des coups critiques… Cela ne veut pas dire qu’elles ne sont pas prévues ; nous y travaillons en parallèle des sorties majeures, et nous les intégrons dès qu’elles sont prêtes, mais elles peuvent être repoussées au profit des grandes fonctionnalités. acheter des kamas sur dofus

Préparez-vous donc à un déferlement de nouveautés cette année, et n’ayez pas peur des méfaits des Vilains au fil des mois, car nous gardons le meilleur pour la fin : 2013 donnera naissance aux Justiciers du Krosmoz – on ne vous en dit pas plus.
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Wednesday, January 23, 2013

In the high segment Mat Road Battle whole career to explain how to play to the end of 5


     I are enthusiastic full write posts from the beginning, do not know too little, or we do not play play Taoism, originally exchanges paste, but the message of good, and my passion! The end of so many. Finally, talk about to hit the end of the experience.

     To deal with the end to see the skills to put strokes. Escaped his grasp skills on the line, as to the degree of development of the end of the national dress is definitely not a very difficult thing to fight strokes. Of course, the end of a lot of flaws, is a skill closing strokes slow in attack range, we absolutely can puncture came with Taoism his closing strokes. C9 gold

     The wind rave CD, Taoism is necessary to fierce attack higher frequency of Taoism puncture or afraid of the wind rave, so we should know almost fight to the end to see the end of the skills CD his CD is more important than we are, this is the first one I talked to count the other main skills CD occupational other speakers are Battle can flexibly change tactics the enough to respond to each other's skills CD, but Maken Department 2 a career is to be considered quasi time of his CD, or caught up is.

     The very end of grasping skills, but the wind rave CD is 18 seconds, peace pick hit CD, can be a reference count probably on the line, to the time necessary to slightly stay strokes address this skills. Well, said several end closing strokes slow skills. 2 red, should move to distance enough to get you thinking time. Retaliation, this will float you, but if you do not float on the tragedy, because he jumped in the air, so the direct the Taoism puncture in his closing strokes. Spin sword and no double-click can play the same closing strokes fairly slow, about this a few, enough to let you catch his flaws, a set of connected strokes can be friends. sell C9 Gold items COTN   MapleStory Mesos  acheter des kamas

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Any evil you vanquish has been vanquished a thousand times before.

Three Days Only
Lost Shores was teased as a one-time event, and that's exactly what it was. One time, and one time only, no fooling, no exceptions, no rain checks. If you were out of town for your nephew's bar mitzah, if you had a big deadline at the office, if it was your anniversary, or if your power was still out from Hurricane Sandy, you were out of luck. You missed it. There will be no repeats, no make-up dates, and no do-overs.(1)  buy guild wars 2 gold

That exclusivity is both the best and worst thing about Lost Shores. The idea of something happening only once is anathema to MMOs, which are hells of eternal recurrence. Any evil you vanquish has been vanquished a thousand times before and will be vanquished a thousand more times. You will never really save a princess because there are thousands of people on your server who need to save her as well. So I welcome anything that breaks out of this pattern -- it imparts to an MMO a sense of a place, where irrevocable things can actually happen. That makes them less like the dolphin show at Sea World with shows at 10:30, 1:30, and 4:30.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

2 DOFUS Mag Offers

The digital DOFUS Mag #4 is now available, and since Kwismas is a very special season, we've made up 2 offers for you:(1)

Offer #1
You buy just the digital DOFUS Mag #4 and receive the hat and the amulett of the Diploset as gift. This package costs 2000 Ogrines.(2)

Offer #2
You buy our very special Kwismas Package and receive
- the digital DOFUS Mag #4
- the hat and the amulett of the Diploset
- a Blodz Uker paper toy
- one month of subscription to DOFUS (with subscription gift Snicker mite)
- the "Write" emote
The price of this Kwismas package is 4800 Ogrines. sell diablo III gold

Every issue of the DOFUS Mag brings you tips, exclusive artwork, humor, and adventure from the World of Twelve. Here's just a few of the articles you'll find in issue #4: a guide to the DP dungeon, a tour of the work Camp and the worker dungeon, a guide to team tactics by Winter heart from Zatoishwan, a special Foggernaut comic, the first part of a two-part story about the trials and tribulations of obtaining the precious Potsan Pants by Jexen from Shika, and DOFUS fanart from players of the Pangea community.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The 5.1 gray pets fighting Stones improve quality


Blizzard previously released information: Stone will join the battle in 5.1, which is used to enhance the quality of the fighting pet. The release of this information led to a lot of players Dunshou blue rare pets only caught the gray, white quality pet, quiet 5.1 advent fighting Stone to a pet quality. This not only saves time the players Dunshou pet, so that more people can have a rare pet.

Blizzard today issued notice:
The white stone of quality pet upgrade battle for green quality pet, justice points to 1000 points in the business to purchase.
Battle Stone green quality pet upgrade for the blue quality pet to need daily incentives from the pet Battle out, of course, can also kill wild small pet, but the probability is very low.

Fighting Stone pet level will automatically reduce, reduce Rules :1-15 pet reduce the level of 16 to 20 pet reduce 2 1,21-25 Pet reduce.
This announcement means that only white quality combat pet to the battle of the stone step-by-step upgrade to blue quality pet, then the majority of players have captured gray fighting quality pet needs to be discarded after the re-start with a minimum level of white quality pets.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The S12 season ice law the pvp experience: property practices and common combination play

The recent and Illidan understated Di explore some PVP skills on the ice method of the present stage. The low-key Di insights for ice law may be able to entry-ice some reference. Low-key Xiaodi very generous and shared some of his heart Germany.
Equipment, property

The most basic hit 6% must be full.
Priority recast haste, followed by proficient last crit.
I want to give up crit everyone can understand about the same as last season, and I choose haste is because in the high score confrontation:
Interrupted skills in many cases, faster read Article Mage offensive success rate;
2, ice refers trigger far less than the s11 season proficient benefits fewer;
3, reduce the outbreak of the front of the the Ice bomb the cd better;
The quick read under Frostbolt layer buff the good superposition injury does not lose proficient stream.
I think the controversial Glyph of Fire Blast Glyph the deep junction Glyph, the last one can choose to steal or change the sheep.
If there is no dot teammates, and then steal the contrary can be considered with the Sheep.
Stealing good defensive ability, the the Sheep Glyph not to say we all know.
Core ideas and practices
In the the speaking arena before, I would like to talk about the PK. PK can well understand the core ideas and practices of the Master s12 season.
Now it seems that the fire the law PK stronger ice method, where the ice with talk about the focus of the soldiers type PK tactics impossible fixed, I hope we all understand.
zs as a the melee benchmark figures have to speak with the Master of the pains and sorrows.
Hands assault flashed after control the water bb frozen zs even if the silence broken bars, like let him.
Zs after frost ring live, the ice veins sp Read Article Ice bomb Master strongest outbreak skills, and then read a Frostbolt shot the instant deep junction Ice bomb, can basically scored the recovery stage of the wind.
zs the flashpoint silence broken shield, shock wave, horde fs playing hurt, so no flash, chapter to the shock wave in the presence of two ice ring, and cream ring, do not open the gods zs is basically no threat 's.
Focus on to talk about the open god zs. See the zs to open the gods, the first time the refrigerator zs seconds after breaking out the gas, and back in time, then use the cream ring, the hand faster can not be zs silence, or wave 3 seconds of silence on direct say goodbye. Zs chapter to the gas given frost ring, promising no anti-shield buff immediately deep junction card last time, stealth on foot, the purpose is to survive 20 seconds gods on the outbreak, escaped this wave of the outbreak, zs generally powerless.
The other expendable stage adopted piecemeal, every cream ring deep knot played outbreak, zs not stand the key is on how to carry off the god wave damage.
So this season, the output of the ice with the establishment of bombs on Ice, to fried ice ring as well as the use of 30 seconds of deep frost ring shot outbreak. Understand the basic idea, we take a look at the performance of the method jjc in ice.
Act dark Sa 2400 + experience
This season due to the rmp and overly bleak select the method dark Sa combination. Because the match is not cleared, in the case of matching has 2600 + simply not ranked team, so the team rating was 2400 + forgive:

I have been very like the face of a combination of xx playing xx control xx what skills the Raiders, a post should be given to read his own thinking, if the arena is so rigid, it will not interesting.
Then in the zs and lr various off skills, how to create his own outbreak as well as to protect themselves it?
1, if there is no deep end, the Ice bomb shot the water bb icicle fire red the detonated plus biu, considerable damage.
2 paste serious direct reading sheep if the other party to interrupt, read the ice much safer now 8 seconds to disperse the cd by eight seconds sheep is to disperse the ice and then live zs flashed past Reading eruption.
3, the the deep junction when you can directly call your teammates turn treatment, is also directly control after reading Ice bomb deep junction with the Ice Orb put biu silent on play.
4 pressure seriously let your teammates to control treatment, delaying dps to let him bring out the position of the opposite treatment. For example, you take him into the column and then a wave of bombs the biu outbreak of the opposite treatment plus his inevitable holed up, also easing the pressure of your treatment.
5, gas fixed and moments cooling do macro hands bomb detonated after two ice with buff and fireball buff, then dumped frost ring control a two best wave of the outbreak so after the second gas given direct bomb explosion or sheep to look at the situation.
6, always pay attention to their own buff mage now is not lack of intelligence slow off the set button, intelligence not to fill the treatment the accused opposite with disperse on first slow down and then the ice shield.
7, inserted steal Glyph, select the opposite buff target brain steal can let you mad rebirth. Back in time can also be turned on, and see their status manually back to the previous state of self-protection.
8, use the refrigerator directly with the extreme cold, can do macros faster under a refrigerator.
9, the opposite is not sm treatment of the hands, can sneak past teammates called up top hit dps attract firepower, then single open treatment, a wave of easy line and the skills.
And then talk about if there is no pressure:
Way to control treatment or dps first ice bomb to the target of the fire was set in the Ice bomb cd target Frostbolt buff can give on layers on layers, the outbreak is biu ice means fireball, utilize gas given time in the kill point when backflow can instantly control two goals and played good the outbreak, this time no one to interfere with you make good dual control, if you into the defense, utilizing eight seconds to disperse the cd , even if full of sheep disperse you also limit the melee the ice ring plus sheep, the sheep limit legal systems that add-back.
Some common combinations of ideas
The core idea is Act dark Sa defensive back, the single dps repression while the dual-control treatment, treatment transfer therapy skills can always double control dps wave away.
Battle hunting X:
I think most of the fs has been held down miserable experience, here I would like to talk about some of their own understanding.
The outbreak of war and hunting is very fierce, first of all, we must first do a good defense. Our team selected Baotuan injury-sharing practices, because if sm around the pillars lr the coquettish control live does not make any sense. If you are going to hold pillars treatment of rigid, it is undoubtedly to treatment under increasing pressure, playing the the rmp best station bit like S8 Law knife open space like.
The core idea is to avoid injury after playing defensive back and do a good job defensively, war and hunting is almost no chance.
Tactics X:
The basic opposite pressure me, good detail, injury control both, you can choose to be pressed fs priest fear x or control the chapter after wave of law double control to turn dark treatment, not a deep junction treatment must a skill, so few waves, you can win the game.
Defensively to work for the treatment of the parties accused of the dark, animal husbandry, the first time to disperse, kill tactics X was very difficult out, good defense, good control of treatment and blue, you better hit.
War fluttering combination of the three hunters like hands, like 3 people with the release gas given cream ring immediately after the reset gas fixed sheep deepen knot so that only a maximum of two dps hit sm Needless sheep, not fully dps, opposite top The live open a life-saving skills indirectly relieve pressure treatment, this version of the hit 3dd or no pressure skills befriend you can.
Law knife civil war:
Act dark spells, such as, for example, sm focus Warlock interrupted Chaos Bolt also hit fs the idea is to fight details during the fight injuries, the key point is to turn treatment, promising the opposite control cd once formed 3 to play 2 or 3 dozen 1 treatment inevitably the skills, this version of the Civil War and before the difference is irrelevant, the main details of control, who control the damage well, who certainly have advantages. However, the civil war is very easy to comeback, as long as the wave of the outbreak hit.
Riding a dead law:
The core idea of ​​this combination is the rush treatment, because the presence of am, as long as the outbreak of the other party limiting good fs outbreak, sm plus good blood, there is no pressure, hands can sneak direct wave single kill nq invincible, am the top attract fire to fs create opportunities.
lr dk X:
This combination of war and hunting almost outbreak died playing dk to see the situation turn x can find the opportunity to read the article.